If you’re expecting a little one, I encourage you to contact me BEFORE the little one arrives. I maintain a very busy schedule and by contacting me prior to the baby’s birth I am able to plan scheduling to be available around your due date. Also, it gives me time to address any questions, send you pricing options, and ensure you know what to expect prior to the photoshoot. Though I am open to photographing babies at any age, I find the most memorable newborn photos that can be found in my portfolio are generally taken in the first 5-10 days after birth when the baby is still sleepy, curl, and less fussy.
Before the baby is born we can agree upon a location for the photoshoot. I primarily use natural light during the day. A majority of the newborn photography to date has been taken at my home where I’ve been able to guarantee appropriate natural indirect light. Doing most photoshoots at my home have allowed for more flexibilityin my schedule. I am definitely open to taking a trip to your home for the photoshoot so long as we can ensure adequate natural lighting is available.
If you are expecting a little one and we’ve agreed to schedule photos the commitment I need from you is to ensure I know when the baby is born. I encourage parents to add me to their email list they send out announcing the baby’s birth so I can then begin scheduling an exact date that works for both myself and the parents. The sooner after the birth I am able to see the baby, the more likely we are to capture those memorable moments most parents really hope for.
The work you find in my portfolio is a result of patience on both the parts of myself and the parents. I strongly encourage parents make sure the baby is fed and swaddled in only a diaper prior to the photoshoot. I anticipate that the baby will have demands during the photoshoot, which on average lasts 1-2 hours. Please do not feel stressed if the baby isn’t cooperative in the beginning or throughout parts of the session, it’s completely normal for the baby to let us know it has normal newborn demands that must be met. We will take breaks as the baby needs to be fed, changed or comforted.
by Amanda Kern