A little over a week ago I got to meet with fellow photographer & Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep volunteer, Shelby Wright and her newborn twins. Shelby & I along with a few other photographers will be collaborating on an upcoming newborn workshop here in Orlando, Florida (find out the details here), so it only made sense for us to take an opportunity to work together a little over a week after her twins, Carter & Hannah were born. It’s always a treat to work with other photographers, especially newborn photographers. Regardless of how much experience I have, I always find myself learning so much more with each and every experience. I believe this is the fifth set of newborn twins I’ve photographed and it’s certainly another memorable experience for me doing newborn photography.
Okay, I know you all are anxious to see the babies…these two were absolutely adorable.
Shelby’s little boy, Carter.
Shelby’s been blessed with two sweet little babies…they were so darn good for us.
One of the best parts of the day, aside from photographing the babies, was getting to collaborate with Shelby. It’s always funny to hear parents reactions when they join me for their newborn session. Some believe the moments happen instantly with little work and by merely snapping a few buttons on the camera. No, it takes a great deal of patience and honestly I spend more time working on tending to the babies needs and posing them than I typically spend taking photos. Sometimes that can be frustrating…but with patience great things happen and thankfully Shelby’s patience with working with her babies helped me in getting some amazing shots of the twins. It sure helped to have an extra set of hands to work with the twins.
In the beginning we spend time working with the twins separately, then together, and then separately…I guess you could say early on we’re teaching them all about taking turns. Here’s Shelby’s sweet little girl, Hannah.
While I photographed Hannah, Shelby tended to Carter’s needs. Yes, She’s only a week into motherhood and already proving she’s “supermom”. I stepped back from photographing Hannah and turned back to find her photographing Hannah while nursing Carter. Yes, this is a sign of a seriously awesome mother and photographer.
Hannah slept so well during my time with the twins. Early on I recognized her sweet deep slumber…the type newborn photographers dream of. So I grabbed my macro lens and snapped a few shots of her feet. I have a bit of an obsession with newborn feet…
Within the first hour the twins had done so well so we kept pushing them. Shelby and I had so many darn ideas and we did our best to pull off the best ones. Early on I was a little concerned how the twins would do together…sometimes twins will photograph separate perfectly but not together. After we did this pose I was totally in love with these adorable babies…they were just so darn good for us.
Shelby did a great job helping me with the babies. The moment we’d get them into position she’d be snapping shots right alongside of me.
We moved on from idea to idea…and I was just so impressed with the twins. I was worried how they’d do with this idea we had to lay them in this nest. Shelby helped me get them into position. In order to get the shot I had in mind I had to stand above the twins on a chair. Once we got them into position I stood prepared to take the shot while Shelby soothed the babies. This shot took several attempts of keeping them content, keeping their eyes and mouths closed and removing the pacifier without having them scream.
Yes, they’re perfect…
I’m a tad bit of a perfectionist so the slightest thing and I push the babies further. I’m so glad to I did because I have a few priceless outtakes…like this one…Hannah surely would like to give me a piece of her mind at this point during the session. I promised her I’d only take a little longer.
We kept trying…but Carter wanted nothing to do with this idea.
Yep, we realized after a few attempts that we had to be happy with the first shot I pulled off. But you know what…I think this one is far more memorable. Yes, Hannah…girl power…you rock baby girl. If only Carter hadn’t have been so fiesty…then again, I adore his fiesty little face in this photo.
Hannah was so darn sweet and cuddly during majority of the session. So I captured a few more photos of her in the nest.
As we worked to get the twins into position there were times where one baby was being fed or changed so I’d focus on the other…here Carter was hanging out waiting for his sister to join him.
It took a few minutes but they fell right back to sleep…like the awesome little newborn babies that I adore photographing.
Often times some of my favorite photos of the day are the ones that come unplanned, the ones that aren’t staged or posed. Like Hannah’s pouty lip. Priceless.
As a newborn photographer one thing I’ve come to enjoy is the moment that comes after the baby dozing off into a deep sleep. Sometimes it takes minutes, or even hours to get to that point…but it almost always happens during the session. It takes patience to reach that point sometimes…but once it arrives it is soooooo much fun to photograph and observe these miraculous new souls. Shelby and I had a great time once those moments happened.
Newborn feet rock…and newborn twin feet…well, they’re just so darn awesome. Thankfully they were passed out sleeping so contently that I had a blast just concentrating on capturing their tiny little feet.
At the beginning of the session I recall Shelby and I had one idea of wrapping the babies almost into a heart shape with the wrap we were using. They were so darn squirmy so it never worked out like we planned. After I finished the photos and began editing this next photo became one of my favorites…yes, they sure did pose themselves into a heart shape on their own.
Shelby has two sweet babies…and they are super lucky to have a mother who treasures every moment. It was fun watching how immersed she was in capturing her babies first moments.
Moments like making sure their little lips were closed perfectly.
Such perfect little ones…
And to think…these are just some of Hannah & Carter’s first photos. I don’t think they realize just yet how many pictures will be taken in the years ahead.
If you all are interested in attending a newborn workshop in a few weeks with myself and a few other local photographers learn more about it on a previous post on my blog. We’re still searching for a few newborn models too so check out that post for more details if you’re interested.
Shelby, thanks again for having me over to spend a memorable afternoon with your little ones. They’re absolutely precious…your family has been blessed with two of the best babies I’ve photographed to date. Best wishes to your family. I look forward to working with you again during the newborn workshop in a few weeks!
by Amanda Kern