“Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. But you can’t have a rainbow with out a little rain.” ~unknown
Today we finally got to come home from the hospital. I thought you all would enjoy just a few final moments we spent in the hospital today. Here’s my baby boy just hanging out waiting to go home. We had to wait for the neurosurgeon to come in to check on him and then because he hadn’t pooped for a few days we had wait on that too.
This little guy amazes me. He’s went through so much but he still has such a sweet little soul.
Today they gave him another bath. He has to stay super clean, especially his head, to help prevent an infection. This kid loves baths and water…it totally made his morning as you can see just before we gave him his bath he was all smiles.
He slept well around midday but every time he woke up he was a bit crankier than normal. Though I’m sure he’s still not feeling the best after surgery I can tell that just laying around in a hospital bed with all the wires connected to him was getting the best of him. So I decided to sit him up. He’s not very stable still with sitting but he will sit for a minute or two at a time sometimes. So I decided to try. Sing a little patty cake and itsy bitsy spider and this little guy is all smiles.
Friday when I contacted his doctor I never once thought I’d have been in the hospital all weekend. I was waiting to hear that I needed not overreact or just to stay calm and it was typical baby stuff. Once again spina bifida got in the way of some of our plans this weekend but it’s okay…all that matters is that this little guy is okay. I hate spina bifida so much but all the wishing and praying in the world won’t make it go away…so instead I suppose I’ll just accept that there will come moments like this weekend where my little man needs a little more care.
I reminded Chance this weekend that he was “super Chance” and he’d be okay. I’ve had a few people joking around with me telling me to get the kryptonite away from my son…because apparently someone has been bringing it close to our family trying to challenge us. But that’s okay…I’m convinced this kid very well may have super powers. Only 7 months old and he’s been through 9 surgeries. That’s just crazy…and amazing. Yes, Chance…you really are super my boy. Everytime I think you’ve amazed me…you go and do it again. Now promise me…we don’t need to go through more surgeries for you to prove you’re amazing, okay!?
Jason and the kids are glad he’s home. Jaylen who is almost four is starting to realize what is going on a bit. It’s tough for him not to notice his new incision from this weekend’s surgery. He’s come to spend time with Chance several times this afternoon & evening and would just stare at it. Just a bit ago he said “that’s so cool!” Yes, another scar he’ll have that I certainly don’t like…but it looks like Chance will have lots of spina bifida war stories to tell someday and that scar that looks so awful now may very well be as “cool” as Jaylen thinks it is now.
The evening we’ve been trying to relax a bit. Chance is a lot more clingy than usual – but I suppose it’s totally understandable. So I shall sign off…and go spend a little time with this little guy and we’ll keep praying. If God is listening I sure hope he can give us a break for a while and let this shunt work well…it sure would be nice to at least make it through 2011 without another shunt revision…of course I dream of much longer than that…but for now I’ll just pray we get through the end of the year without any more surgeries. Thanks again to you all sending your sweet thoughts to our family…we certainly feel your embrace.
by Amanda Kern