“Though at times the story of your life is unsettled, at its center there is the certainty of hope and the promise of good things to come.” ~Unknown I was joking this week a few times at work when people stopped me to tell me they had been reading my blog and how much they […]
Monthly Archives: April 2011
“Maybe the true miracle of life isn’t conception or pregnancy or birth but that deep connectedness we sometimes feel: the invisible cord that binds us together. Maybe the real miracle is how we’re all delivered, from one moment to the next, into a world that needs us, needs the gifts only we can give, right […]
by Amanda Kern
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These pictures are precious.A brief moment in time, as all mothers know, that will be gone all too soon. They are beautiful!
“We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey. Appreciation is a wonderful feeling, don’t overlook it.” ~author unknown It’s been close to seven weeks and the realization that I now have three children has officially set in. Perhaps it’s in part since Jason and I have resumed […]
by Amanda Kern
1 comment
Beautiful photos Amanda! I haven’t been on your blog for a while, I’ve been missing alot of good posts. Looks like you got your hands full between photography and three kids
“Adversity rewrites the stories of our lives, changes the cast of characters, and alters what we expected would happen. Yet the stories go on and someday behind the scenes we’ll find the true importance of their twists and turns.” ~Unknown Yesterday Chance turned six weeks old. My little man has been through a lot but […]
by Amanda Kern
I look forward to reading your blogs, thank you I am overwhelmed with happiness that Chance is doing great, this means many prayers in my house were answered… the picture of Chance sleeping on Hope brought tears to my eyes, beautiful.
I love the pictures of the kids together!
“There is a quiet place somewhere beyond tomorrow where your heart will find peace and the mists of troubles will begin to clear away.” ~Unknown We made it another week at home with no returns to the hospital. Yes, things might finally be settling down. Though I miss many moments from the moments after Chance […]
by Amanda Kern
Incredibly sweet!
I LOVE the panda hat!! What precious pictures. I’m just thrilled for you that Chance is doing so well.
by Amanda Kern
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