”We always want what we can’t reach” ~ Taylor Swift
Chance has been in the NICU for 2 1/2 weeks. It seems as though every time he makes progress we either have another setback or something prevents us from escaping. I feel as though I’ve heard “tomorrow” is the day or “lets see how he does and we’ll decide tomorrow…” far too many times. We went to the NICU again today with the hopes that he’d be coming home today. Once again we left him behind at the NICU and my heart left a little heavier. We learned the news this morning, a time I don’t enjoy being at the NICU as much. I left this morning feeling weary and once again emotionally drained just wishing we could finally take my baby boy home.
Before we left we met with the neonatal doctor who updated us on Chance’s progress and the only one left to give his blessing for Chance to return home. His back is healing well. It’s no longer leaking and the stitches will be in place for another two weeks. His neonatal doctor has ordered one additional MRI to check on how the measurements in his head are since his shunt was put in place. He also underwent a VCUG today. Due to spina bifida there are concerns about his bladder, bowel and kidney functions. Due to his blood pressure being higher there were concerns with Chance’s kidneys. The VCUG procedure basically checks to see if Chance’s bladder and kidney’s are functioning properly. If they aren’t his at a higher risk for bladder and kidney infections and will likely need intervention. We haven’t heard the results of either test and it’s unlikely either will keep us from bringing Chance home tomorrow. His doctor preferred to play it safe and get these tests out of the way in the event there are any additional major concerns. In the next two weeks Chance will have a handful of follow up appointments to check on his growth and progress.
Overnight Chance will also undergo a car seat test. It’s required for all NICU babies. They must sit in their car seat for 90 minutes. Due to the fact that he’s been on his belly most of the last 2 1/2 weeks the nurses wanted to make sure he did well with being on his back and making sure it didn’t aggravate his wound any more.
We returned this afternoon to visit Chance. I’ve felt a little more withdrawn and just a little emotionally drained from the last 2 1/2 weeks so I elected to sit back and admire my little man. It was feeding time so Chance got to snuggle up close to Jason for a feeding.
He ate just over 2 ounces, less than normal, and fell asleep with Jason. Something tells me he is going to be a cuddly little guy.
So hopefully “tomorrow” we’ll be home with Chance. We’re praying all the tests come back with uplifting results. We’ll spend the morning at my follow up doctor’s appointment and then head to the NICU with our fingers crossed that we’ll be home with our little dude tomorrow.
by Amanda Kern