It was exciting to finally have an opportunity to meet with my colleague’s, Amy & Mike Bosley, yesterday for family photos. I know many of you are big fans of my photography, but I think that Amy is likely one of the biggest admirers of my work. She showed interest in my photography before my web site was finished and was one of the first to contact me once my portfolio went live and I began taking photography requests. So it was a fun time yesterday meeting with her and her family at Rollins College for some family photos. Surprisingly it was my first time on Rollins College’s campus. We had a blast exploring the campus and hopefully the Bosley’s enjoy a few of my favorites from their session.
Rollins had a lot of nice locations for photos, I really enjoyed this spot which seemed so fitting for their family. Yes, Amy and Mike did an amazing job at keeping the boys interested in taking lots of photos with me. As you can see by the photos, there were definitely memorable and candid moments.
Yes, it was another awesome session with another amazing Valencia couple.
Both of the boys play lacrosse, so they were pretty excited to take a photo near the lacrosse net. Amy asked for just one photo, here it is. Funny thing is, I love this one just as much as the others.
We took a few family photos near the lake. Typically the more people that are in a photo, the more challenging it is to get the perfect shot. There always seems to be one person looking away, moving arms, etc. – so once I get them close to the position I shoot rapidly and often times I take 20 or more photos in hopes to get that one perfect shot. As I continued to shoot, the Bosley’s began to laugh. Hmmm…I’ve never had a family laugh at me without soliciting a laugh. I turned around and a runner was running on campus in only a pair of USA running shorts. It made for another priceless moment.
Amy & Mike thanks to your family for such a memorable session. I hope you all enjoy the moments I captured yesterday!
by Amanda Kern