So we’re into the first week in June and I’m just wondering who could tell me where the time has gone? As Hope just finished Kindergarten this past week, I was reminded of Hope’s first day of school. I’ve been amazed with how much she has learned this year. She’s grown by leaps and bounds and seems to have enjoyed every moment of her first year in school.
On the last day of school, Hope’s school holds a parade for Memorial day. I thought you all might be interested in seeing Hope in this video performing with some of her kindergarten classmates. It’s not the best view – but I was battling hundreds of parents for a good view. :o)
And Hope came home from school the last day proclaiming she was “famous” after having been featured for a split second on the WESH news about her school’s parade. Of course I couldn’t resist recording it to share. She’s in the video towards the end just after the large stars & stripe hat and just before the bagpipes.
GETTING USE TO THE SUMMER BREAKOf course, Hope had a blast in Kindergarten. She loved it and looked forward to going to school every day. She had fun learning, spending time with her friends and of course she admired her teacher. So on the last day of school she clearly started preparing for the summer break so that it was somewhat like kindergarten. She created her own mailbox like they had in class. She expressed an interest in keeping a journal so she uses her mailbox to put her journal entries in a safe place that we can find easily. I must admit I truly admired seeing her create her own behavior chart that is virtually identical to what they had in class.
Now she proudly lets us know she wants to be in the “green” all day (in other words being good).
Of course we’ll be finding ways to keep Hope busy this summer. We’ve already signed her up for gymnastics, swim lessons as well as art classes at Crealde. We’re also expecting family to visit for a bit this summer so we imagine she’s going to have a fun summer break before she starts first grade.
Most of you have heard, but in case you haven’t, I recently finished a book to commemorate Hope’s experiences in kindergarten. This book which will certainly be something we cherish for many years to come. I was fortunate to have the cooperation of her teacher and Hope and her classmates during times I was able to visit some of this year’s kindergarten events. The book ended up being 140 pages and before I’ve even received the printed copy of the book their staff has featured the book as a “staff pick”. It features various events throughout the year and highlights many moments with Hope and her classmates. If you’re interested you can get your hands on your own copy of the the book or download a 15 page preview. I’ll be sure to share a better sneak peak of the book once I get my printed copy this week. If you’re interested in seeing a few of the kindergarten photos I’ve posted in flickr you can check them out online.
So we’re proud, yet a bit sad, to finally part with her days as a Kindergartner. Goodbye Kindergarten – you’ve definitely left us with some amazing memories!
by Amanda Kern